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Saturday from the Latin Saturn Dies - Saturns day from the same root as Saturnalia a Roman festival of unrestrained merriment in honour of the God Saturn held in December . (thanks OED)
Well not much change there then here in our modern so called civilisation, except we of course call it Christmas and thus justify a festival of excess in a drying, disease and poverty ridden world. Do we still destroy excess food production to keep the prices up, I wonder?
To return to Saturday though we got it even better ever tried getting a drink or even just going for a meal in a city centre recently after 10pm we have our Saturnalia 52 weeks of the year as a youth festival of binge drinking, sex, and violence to be fair a lot of it is good natured, but a lot of it aint they talk of police violence gosh they deserve a medal just for trying on the uniform let alone going out in it on duty but thank heavens we in GB still lead the world in something even if it is Saturnalia and which brings us neatly back to where we started Saturday.
Have a safe weekend
Posted: February 19, 2005 , Modified: June 6, 2010 |