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I love a good laugh!

   I just had a rather strange experience. I was chatting on IM, and some girl sent me a message. I accepted it thinking that maybe it was someone that I knew who just changed their screen name or something like that. Well, then she was like, "I was on your basketball team, my name's Hailey." And I'm thinking, "Who the heck is Hailey?" I never played basketball with a girl named Hailey. And then she said the name of some other girl, and the coach's name, but I hadn't heard of either of them. And when I told her that I didn't know any of them, she was like, "Well, what's your name?" And I just told her my first name, because you never know what kind of creepy stalker might be out there, right? And then she was like, "What's your last name?" And I was like, "Why do you want to know my last name? Are you some kind of stalker or something?" Then she was like, "Well, do you go to Rolling Hills?" And I'm like, "No, I don't even know where that is!" I kept trying to tell her that she had the wrong person, but she kept IM-ing me... It was kinda weird.
   And now for something completely different...
   My sister is have a comedy movie marathon right now. And some of our friends are here. Right now we're watching a pretty old one, Joe Vs The Volcano. It has Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan (pre-botox) in it. Meg Ryan plays like three different characters too. It's pretty funny though... in a dumb kind of way. I give it 3 stars (out of a possible 5). Now on the other hand, movies like Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas (or any movie with Johnny Depp in it), any Monty Python movies, and any Mel Brooks movies are pretty much guaranteed to satisfy your comedy thirst. I like the old Pink Panther movies too. Oh, and also both Spinal Tap movies. Those are all great. And Pirates of the Caribbean was pretty good too... probably mostly because of Johnny Depp's performance, though. He's my favorite actor by far. I mean, he's so versatile. He's played so many different types of characters. His talent just amazes me. And he has certain mannerisms that you can kind of see in each of his characters. If I ever had the opportunity to meet him... I think I would just pass out right on the spot. Either that or instantly become some kind of blubbering village idiot.
Oh well...


Posted: February 25, 2005 


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