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So, I wrote this really long blog like 5 days ago.  The thing is, is that I forgot to title it so it got lost in blog space.  I would rewrite it but I forgot what it said.  I know I thanked the person who read my "best things don't come in pairs" blog.  That was really nice.  Also, I hope that this person is right.
So, I am going against what my mother always taught me and telling you all some personal details.  I love THE POLICE!!!!  If I am ever a stripper the one ok two songs that I will only dace too is Roxanne and Don't Stand To Close to Me both by The Police.  I love those songs because they are sexy and about lust and it has an up beat tempo.  
So, last night I was watching Romy and Michelle tv movie.  For some reason It made me want to kiss someone real bad.  Hahahahaha.  I know it is too much info.  I can not help it I have problems.  
I think that maybe it is because it is soooo stressful.  I just need to relive some tension. The only way to relieve tension with out boys is dancing.  Like in the middle of the night just getting up and dancing is the best thing.  Most of the time I make sure that no one outside can see me but for some reason last night I wanted some one to see me.  However, no one did because there are no peeping toms where I live.  hahahahahaha.  Ok well once again I am losing focus. So I will say adieu for now.  Be good people.  The end is near and the feature is coming.  

Posted: May 31, 2005 


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