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College for Me

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College Life was basically me not really having any personal
time to myself. I don't do parties and I don't get
wrapped in the in-crowd. I do what I want when I want
to and how I want to. I don't procrastinate. I get as much
work as I can done on the day the assignment is given or
sometimes earlier depending on whether I need to know the
specific requirements for it. But before I'm given the
assignment, I'm always thinking and contemplating what to
do and how to do it. I'm not the organized person but I always
work hard on my work. I used to  have time to watch soap operas
when I was in high school, but now college takes over everything.
I can't even work on campus because the schoolwork takes me all
day. It's probably just a result of me wanting to get everything
right. I can't stand anythiing less than an A. I made sure I
turned my work in on time. I followed all the requirements and
questioned my teacher when I didn't get the full amount of points
for something. If I fell short in my paragraph structure, I would
ask her where did I fall short? I attending meetings to get help
on my writing process. The educational way to write is boring
because I like the writing that allows me such freedom to
speak as I want. In songs and lyrics, I have that freedom.
I"m not a public speaker, but I will do it for some points in
a minute. I will tell anybody anything for points on an
assignment. College is like having a baby because in my
case I had no time to myself. I wanted to work on the yearbook
but I figure, will I really have time to complete that work
with the schoolwork? I would stay up to after 2.a.m in the
morning listening to music to give myself some free time
I missed during my day.I would even have to deal with the fact
that it was a tight schedule in the music rooms. Everybody had
already signed up for a time . I wanted to be scheduled to
practice in a room from 12:00 to 1:00 but that was hard.
I had to go to the registrar and ask her what time the classrooms
weren't being used so I could play piano in a classroom.
Everybody has their stupid excuse of why they should come
in and disturb me. I had to walk way down the street to get
groceries and I'm like,why? Why wouldn't they build a grocery
store across the street from the college? THat would make
so much more sense. Sometimes the computer lab in my building
was so crowded and I would think to myself, why?
The food sucked and then sometimes the cooks had their good
moments. I would walk across the street and eat at Mcdonald's
sometimes. The people even walked out of the cafeteria with
a tray of food. I had this roommate who liked to put her
stuff on my desk and when I arrived I saw she had a bunk bed
and I told her I wanted it down. I don't need another bed
overhead. I would regret just being there with the floor people
because they were the loudest ever. It's like they never took
a deep breath and decided to shut up!Sharing a bathroom is the
worst, finding all sorts of germy things you want to stay away
from. Even one of the buildings on campus had a shower that
looked like it needed repairing.Back to school work though,
I would always worry about how I would get my schoolwork
done and somehow with God I made it through. I would check
and recheck my work and find errors and have to go back
and correct it again. I would be sick of doing it. SOmetimes I
even printed two copies of an assignment.I would have my
professor give me examples of what she was looking for.
One time I overslept. I mistakingly set my alarm for
a certain time but it was on pm instead of am and I through
on something quick and rushed to class.Another time I overslept
and was late for class so I rushed and I told my professor
about the fact that the clock was set for pm, which I didn't
know how it happened. I was like,why? I'm not usually late so
she believed me.I went to see a play called FIddler's Roof.
My professor gave me $5.00 because he wanted me to go so
bad.One of my professors like to ask too many questions and
was definitely a pain  but there are people like that
unfortunately. They had this thing called FOcus Series
where professors and faculty had a topic they would speak
on. THe one I went to was my sociology professor's workshop
and he talked about Elvis and played some guitar riffs.
I went on this trip to the Phantom of the opera. THe music
was off the hook. I set in the same section of the area that
my class was in but I sat a few seats down from them. I need
my space, I can't help it. Especially after being cramped
in a bus with extra students who wanted to go I needed room
for myself. I can't stand being too close to people. I'm not
a crowd person or one who needs people sit under me. It was so
very annoying, but I had to go for a grade. See what I do for
a grade!

Posted: June 1, 2005 ,   Modified: June 21, 2005

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