Stuck in the Middle....
Stuck in the middle. We are all stuck in the middle. Not a comfortable place to be. We are stuck between our past with all its baggage and our future with all its unknowns. We live in the middle. We spend our time rehashing the past and worrying about the future. Most of us don’t know how to be in the “moment.” But the “in between” can become a place of spirit and soul where a future free of the baggage of the past can become a future we never imagined. To own your past is to accept the life you have lived and to stop trying to fix it. In the words of the Serenity Prayer, “accept the things I cannot change.” It doesn’t mean accepting the emotional damage. That you can heal with love and patience. It just means letting the events be what they were. The emotional pain is something that can be healed with the courage to “change the things I can” and “the wisdom to know the difference.” Most of us can’t do this without help. Spiritual practices, meditation. and contemplative prayer offer ways to create this space “in between.” Twelve step programs are very valuable. Analysis can be valuable as long as it doesn’t fall into the trap of “fixing” the past. Forgiveness, both for yourself and others is essential. The past is over. The future is not yet. Finding the empty space in the middle is the path. But it must be empty: free of rehashing the past and worrying about the future. In that space, you might just meet your spirit and soul. The past is done. The future is not yet.
Be still.