The Little Self vs. The Bigger Self
Everyone has within them a little self and a bigger self. We all know that just from being alive. We all start out from the little self. “It’s all about me so get out of my way.” We all start there. Some of us grow out of that, some of us don’t. Now, if you do not grow out of it, or only partially grow out of it, you get stuck in a world in a world of conflict with friends, lovers, family, and politics. That is where most of the world is today. If you manage to crawl in to the space of the bigger self, the place of love, compassion and understanding, you become a stranger in a strange land. It is not an easy place to be. Men like Adolph Hitler, Stalin, and Donald Trump gave permission to people stuck in in their little selves, permission to speak and act on their fears. No, not in my United States of America. My ancestors did not leave England to let that happen here. I believe in “All men (and women) are created equal” and “Liberty and Justice for all.” Sure we fall short—a lot—but the vision keeps us moving forward.