Dream Tidbits December 7 2023 Stargazer
I had a series of wild dreams last night. I saw a black dog drinking water next to a goat. The water was contaminated and muddy. The dog curled up near a puddle, and I spoke to him. My dream switched to a theater seat where a man sat next to me, and looked at pictures. He asked if I had drawn them and I said no. Switch again to a table at a restaurant. I was hoping people would eat all plant based, but one girl said "I want the beef Wellington" and I kept quiet.
We retreated into a small closet to hide from young military ? men who didn't know we were there. Last dream had me at the top of stairs trying to arrange clothes. My foot slipped, and I didn't know how to get down safely. I awoke from that dream.
Thank you for coming by. Caroline is still with us, and both she and I have health challenges. I battle Sjogren's, and resulting dental problems. We will be 77 in 2024. It's been an amazing journey having a human experience. I am studying Spiritualism (not the fake stuff) and it is something found in nature. I have great respect for all of my ancestors, ancient, and otherwise. Never be afraid to think outside the box.